Let's Elevate
Utah Together
Utah Otolaryngology Head & Neck Society
Clinical Professor
University of Utah
Department of Family & Preventive Medicine
Public Service
Board of Directors
Service Mortgage
My Name is
- I'm Running for -
- Re-Election to the House of -
- Representatives -
First and foremost, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your willingness to research the candidates and issues in this race. As a Republic, it is essential that we be involved and vote. Most Utahns enjoy a high quality of life. We live in a state with one of the strongest and most diverse economies in the nation, very little unemployment, and high wage growth. Our population is young, our families are large, and though our state government has the ability to tax only about one-third of our land, we continue to grow and prosper.
I am proud to say that I have had the opportunity to make a significant difference at the Legislature over the last few years. With my expertise as a medical doctor and as a business owner, I have become one of the go to voices among my legislative colleagues on issues related to health care, business, and economic growth.
As a 5th generation resident of Davis County, and having just spent time representing LD17, I feel like I have a pretty good idea about what makes this area great and what is important to LD17 residents. But I don't know everything. I want to hear your ideas. I want to hear your opinion on how you would deal with issues such as common core, how to successfully shrink the government, improve our business climate, and improve education in our state. I know I will not be the only one asking for your support, but I promise you one thing: no one will spend more time or effort working to understand what is important to you and how best to represent you. Together we can deal with the important issues that face our state.
Thank you again for exercising your right to vote. Please feel free to give me a call at 801-721-5551 or email me at stewartebarlow@aol.com to learn more about where I stand on the issues. I look forward to getting to know you better.
Stewart E. Barlow, M.D.