



Utah’s balanced budget law ensures that state government live within its means; however, that doesn’t stop government from increasing “the pie” by raising taxes. As your representative I have opposed and will continue to oppose tax increases in all their various forms. I am against the recent Food Tax and any bill that seeks to waste taxpayer money.

We cannot fix long term budget challenges through tax increases. You have my promise that I will continue to support a broad and low tax. I believe that a low tax gives individuals the ability to take control of their lives and allows business owners the ability to invest in their companies, pay their employees, and ultimately create new jobs. I will continue to support lower taxes thereby encouraging spending, saving, and investing – all necessary for a healthy economy.


As a medical doctor, I will continue to focus on getting government out of health care. The free market approach is preferable to leaving decisions to bureaucrats. I support reasonable aspects of health care reform such as protecting children with pre-existing conditions from being denied coverage, but challenges such as those can be addressed without destroying our nation financially. With smaller adjustments, the most vulnerable among us can be treated with compassion, and provided quality care while we continue to encourage freedom and innovation in health care.

I was pleased to have the opportunity to serve the last few years on a number of health care related legislative committees. I have used my experience in the medical field to push back against government overreach. As our state continues to debate the health care challenges we face, my experience will be vital to that discussion. Of this you can be certain: I believe socialism or anything resembling it is a path to failure and I will oppose any health care measure that moves us toward it. I have and will continue to support tax deductions for medical expenses, eliminating government red tape that makes it difficult for small businesses to provide innovative insurance programs to their employ­ees, and I will support measures that will increase the use of health savings accounts.

This past session there was significant discussion and developments regarding Medicaid expansion. I am interested in hearing your input on this important matter. If you choose to re-elect me, rest assured I will be working closely with each of you in order to determine what direction we should head on this complex matter.


As my voting history shows, I am a strong supporter of public education while maintaining support for parents to have the tools they need to tailor their child’s educa­tion to the specific needs of each individual. Education is best left to teachers and parents, not to Washington D.C. Education, like everything else, should be decided on the local level.

My strong support of education is based in my overriding belief that a vibrant economy depends on a well-educated work force. In order for our state to remain competitive we must focus on continual improvement of our education system. Specifically, we must be more competitive in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). That is why I voted to support significant increases in programs that promote a greater focus in that area. I believe we are moving into a new and exciting education world thanks to online learning. In Utah, we have the best teachers and the best parents in the nation. I will continue to support both by giving them the best tools available to help educate our children. As a legislator, I have pursued legislation that encourages innovation and improvement in education delivery.